Friday, January 21, 2011

In the darkest hours before sunrise, Alise awakens and looks around the room. Stoney is still laying on the other side of the babies, dozing. The twins are fast asleep, curled next to each other. A quick glance at the windows proved it was still dark, the fire had burned low, casting dark shadows on the walls and furniture.

I was dreaming... Paris... the cemetery... trying to hide... we need to hide... Alise's heart beats fast and she feels out of breath as she looks around the room again. Then she shakes her head. Everything is fine, we dont need to hide. Or do we? It was just a dream, not real... I was dreaming one minute about the cemetery in Paris and trying to hide the babies from something or someone... and then awake... so strange... so real.... Alise reaches up and pushes her hair out of her face, her forehead damp and her hair coming loose from its braid. What would we need to hide from? Jean-Marc? But he is dead... I saw him die....

Alises thoughts are stopped cold by the loud howl of a wolf. She sits straight up, fighting back the panic, the urge to run.

Stoney senses her fear and is immediately awake, his thoughts trying to calm hers.. It is just a wolf, an animal Chaton, it may even be Erik's wolf and he is friendly. Star plays with him like he was a dog. Nothing can hurt you or the little ones here....

Alise nods, I know, I know, I am sorry, I cant help it... her thoughts trail off for a moment as she stares at the foot of the bed. ...mon amour, can you see the figure standing at the foot of our bed? A man, a very large man, like your papan. But he always hated me, why would he be here??

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