Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tannr stirs as Tori slips from bed. She wraps a handful of his hair in her fist and tugs as she leans down for a kiss. "Sorry Coppertop... Sun's rising."

He pulls her close, his tongue flicks over her shifting fangs. He kisses her deeply, thoroughly. He growls softly as she pulls away. Tannr stretches, muscles moving sensually. Tori moans and trails her fingers along the hard plains of his stomach.

"Much as I would love to enjoy another round, I don't think you want to spend the day embedded in stone. Besides, don't you have a job interview today?"

She laughs as Tannr makes a grab for her, and slips out into the sunroom, smiling at the sound of his disappointed moan. Lethargy begins to seep into her form as she mounts the pedestal. Her fingers caress the viper on the chain around her neck, half wondering why it never is lost in her change.

Her thoughts drift to the conversations that dotted their night of passion. Tori reaches out, trying to touch Tannr's mind. She feels a buzz, the light sleep of a warrior, but nothing else. Her thoughts drift over what she knew of the women who worked at The Night Owl Club. Ike touches her mind, pushing lightly to get Tori's attention.

Don't be an idiot. Goddess, Tori! The man cannot take his eyes off you. he never even looks at the ones who try to get his attention at the bar. Hell Tor... if he was into busty, soft women, he'd have hit on me. There is a soft rumble in Tori's thoughts. Never, not once. Haven't you ever noticed the woman that flaunt themselves in front of him?

Tori drifts deeper into her stone form, feeling Tannr stir in the bed. Can you feel Monty? Like the guys feel their wives? Ike is quiet, listening to something Tori can't hear. I take that as a no... Ike laughs. Can you... feel him? Ike purrs softly. Tori laughs, a soft hiss in her mental sharing. The feel of a warm hand on her cooling form has her breaking away  to concentrate on the touch of Tannr's caress.

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