Monday, May 23, 2011

As soon as Erik and Star had soared out of sight, Wish returned to speaking with the usual inhabitants of the woods surrounding the cottage. What was told is pieced together, bit by bit. None had sensed the ghoul. Its malice was masked by the feel of cold iron. Wish nods slowly, thoughts whirling.

Voices intrude on her ponderings and she turns to see Tannr and Tori saying goodnight to the household. Alise and Stoney stand on their porch talking to the couple. Wish motions to a pixie and it zips away. It flits around them until attracting attention. Soon the foursome is following the pixie back to where the Wyldfae stands, staring at the jeep.

Wish turns old eyes upon the group. "It came masked by the harsh metal scent of cold iron. Where was your... transport... before here?"

Alise's eyes widen, filling with horror. "Mon dieu! I opened the wards for the mechanic. The jeep was returned just tonight."

Wish watches her reaction. Her small hand touches Alise's arm. "You cannot scent them if they hide under another scent. Even the Fae of this Realm did not know it was here until your son alerted them. That creature was well hidden. Trixie it was, as I said afore."

She turns her eyes to Stoney. "My magic has no power over iron and steel. 'Twould be well thought to make sure no surprises are left within, above, below, or betwixt the spaces of your vehicle."

That said, Sroney and Tori nod to each other. Without a word, they grasp the jeep and LIFT. Tannr bends down to look beneath it. He moves under to touch puncture holes in the floor, proof that something had attached itself for a ride. They lower it carefully and the three begin to scrutinize the jeep's interior and engine compartment. Wish stands at ready, keeping between the car and Alise. When the seats have been locked back in place, and Tori announces no spells detected. Wish lowers her hands.

"Trixie bastard, but one no more to stalk this world. No ill will left in this place, so if I beg leave to return to my Lady."

Wish curtsies to Alise. Stoney catches her thoughts, before words escape. Do not thank her Chaton. I gathered from a discussion with Keon that she is very old Fae. Blinking, Alise nods her head to Wish. She thinks carefully on her words before replying. "You have done our family a great service. We will remember."

The Wyldfae grins and holds her hands out to her sides. A bubble of magic forms around her, remnants of the power she gathered on the path to the cottage. The small Fae turns to Tannr and Tori, her brogue thick as she has relaxed. "An ye be goin' to ta cabin, I offer a quicker pace."

Tannr grins and pulls Tori forward. He takes Wish' hand as Tori takes the other. Wish grins and winks to Alise and Stoney. The bubble fades from view, reappearing on the cabin's lawn. Pike pushes himself off the railing and meets them as the bubble dissolves.

"'Bout time ye returned. 'Twas thinking I was, that ye would be needin me to bring ye back."

Wish flips him off and grabs his hand as she dances past. Pike gives a brief bow to Tannr and Tori and trips lightly after his partner. Moments later they are gone from sight.

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