As Raina picks up the red gems on the floor near the fireplace she keeps an eye on Alise. “Gods, Nick, she is so pale...”
Finding a glass bowl Raina places the gems in it, along with the small pile she noticed gathered on the bricks of the fireplace. Nick gives her a questioning glance and Raina tells him that she will explain later. The shifters have brought her bike to the front of the manse and Raina excuses herself saying she wants to check on it. She returns a few minutes later with the shawl her sister had left for her when she traveled to the spirit world.
She hesitates at the foot of the bed, not wanting to interrupt. Stoney looks up, “She has trouble even resting...” They both watch as Alise stirs and twitches in her sleep.
Raina lays a hand on Stoneys shoulder, “I havent had a chance yet but wanted to thank you for the sapphires. They will always remind me of you two and I treasure them.”
Alise starts to waken, “Raina?”
Raina returns to the foot of the bed and crawls on top of it until she is face to face with Alise. “Hi, little one. Having trouble sleeping? I brought you something. Its from my sister. I thought you would like to have it.” She places the soft, blue shawl in Alises good hand.
Alise holds the shawl to her face, “But I thought your sister had passed long ago..... its beautiful, my grandmere had one very similar to this that she let me wear sometimes....” Her voice trails off, sadness or weakness, Raina wasnt quite sure. Raina and Stoney exchange worried glances. “I will stay here with her when you need to rest and take care of her until you awaken.” Stoney nods, “I know, its just hard to leave her now...”
They both turn to Alise when they notice her attempting to sit up. “I cant lay on my back any longer, it hurts..” Raina helps her sit on the edge of the bed, where Alise rocks herself slowly, back and forth, struggling not to cry, not wanting to upset Stoney any more than she thinks she has already. Stoney sits in front of her, whispering in french and Raina, behind her, starts to braid her hair.
When she gets to the end of the braid Raina notices the blood on Alises hip. Swallowing hard she asks Alise if she can see whats causing that. Alise nods, slips out of the robe, and Raina sees her whole back for the first time. Raina has to squeeze her eyes tight for a minute, glad that Alise cant see the look of horror she knows has to be on her face. “Is it as bad as it feels?”, Alise asks. Taking a deep breath, Raina forces herself to look objectively, “Well, I think everything from the waist up will heal without a scar. Nothing is open, no cuts. But there is one on your lower back and hip that looks pretty nasty. Its bleeding and it looks deep.” Raina moves to sit next to Alise. “I think we need to get started on fixing you up. Mortuis said something about taking care of your hand, and that he knew someone that could help with the rest.” Sensing Stoneys tension and stress over letting someone he doesnt know taking care of Alise, Raina is quick to add, “He said it was a woman, a healer, someone he has known a long time.” Stoney relaxes, knowing Alise would not object as much to another woman taking care of her. He knew there were bites on her breasts, he had seen as it happened and saw the results in the shower, and knew that Alise would never show another man the injury. But a woman healer she might be more open with.
Raina takes Alises good hand in hers, “Its going to be all right. The next couple of days will be hard, but its going to get better. And look who is here..” Panther walks in and lays her head down next to Alise, nuzzling gently with her head, her black fur warm from the fire. Two tears make their way down Alises face, “Merci Raina, you are truly a sister to me.” She runs her good hand over Stoneys cheek, pushes the hair back from his face and touches her mind to his, Je taime, Re'mi, more than words can say. I will do what they tell me, so I get better. Please dont worry. I want this behind us as soon as possible....
When she notices the mental thing going on between the two Raina stands, “All right, I will go find Mortuis and talk to him...”
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