Sunday, March 20, 2011

We wend our way through the crowd. We have been stopped a few times, mostly by people wanting to compliment us on our costumes. It was nothing for me to change, a little concentration and my skin is covered in fine iridescent scales. Now I walk arm in arm with Doctor Mortuis as his Naga companion, or so I have been told. I smile as a group of his fans fail to recognize him, telling him how great he looks, but Doctor Mortuis' cane has the head of a dragon, and his cloak is cut differently....  If only they knew. I smile sweetly to keep from laughing aloud.

Magnus is wonderful. He takes it in stride, thanking them before we walk off. One girl swears it is really Doctor Mortuis, his voice has just the right timbre, only to be jeered by her friends. I spy Herne's antlers and we move in his direction.

There is a nimbus of power that glows to the second sighted. All the "Others" have it to some degree. The ability makes it easy to see who is true and who is in costume. We arrive just in time to watch Herne introduce the four Goddesses.

Ramji's encounter with Laila has me remembering when he came to the ranks of the Riders. He had excelled at being a Hunter, having done the work as a human in his native Croatia. If this Vampire, or creatures like it, is what he hunted, no wonder he is so cynical. I think Keon is right. I think Ramji desires this woman. Dmitri's worry is well hidden, but to those of us who know him, it is very obvious.

I lean in to hug Grace and greet the others. Grace runs her fingers over my bare skin, marveling at the scales.

"When I saw them before, I thought they were beautiful. Now I can see there is more to them." There is awe in her voice. She turns and gestures to the crowd. "There are so many real fantasies in Exton, aren't there?"

I say nothing, smiling as we watch a pair of demifae dance through the crowd. Grace' eyes are bright, following their movements. They pass a pair of "zombies" It takes Grace a few minutes to realize the "zombies" are actually ghouls, touched up by the makeup artist. Magnus' voice brings her back from staring.

"Exton is a place of wonder and beauty. It is a pity that beauty does not guarantee benevolence, but" - he shrugs - "life is what it is."

Grace nods thoughtfully. A demifae steps close and bows to the ladies of our group. There are gleaming, jewel bright  strands in his short crop of black curls. His voice has a purring roll to his r's as he entreats us, his voice lilting in a singsong cant.

"Senoras, come dance with me? I want to be your partner, can't you see?"

Grace extends a hand and he spins her to the music around us. The two begin to twirl around us to the cheers of the crowd. Grace' steps are lively, empassioned, showing us the woman she once was. The song ends and the demifae bows to Grace.

He winks at Tara, then kisses Grace' hand.

"This Harbinger of Spring thanks the Lady of Winter for the joy of her company."

He dances away, followed by a group of people. I grin at Magnus. "And so, the Pied Piper's legend is reborn?"

Grace laughs. "Who was that? He is real."

I smile. "That, mi amiga, is Tonio, Miko's little brother."

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