Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rath smiles as he takes a seat at a table near the tavern. The two shifter females sat on either side of him, leaning forward, smiling at him, vying for his attentions.

Patti brought drinks to the table and Rath was instantly annoyed. Where has that girl got herself to? I need her to wait on me otherwise I am at the mercy of incompetent wait staff. She had better show herself before I need anything else...

One of the shifter females leans further forward exposing large breasts and nipples while the other pouts prettily. Hmmm... which one to fuck and which one to feed from? Maybe a little of each from both...

His laughter draws some glances from 'others' sitting near.

Laila approaches his table slowly, never knowing what to expect from him. Two women... good! That should keep him occupied and satiated most of the night.

Laila spent much of her time avoiding Rath as was humanly possible under the circumstances. She went out of her way to make herself unattractive to him, not wanting to share his bed or anything else if she could help it.

His sarcastic, “Well there you are... finally...” made her cringe. She could tell by the tone he was annoyed for some reason. He probably had to wait three minutes longer for something...

Laila walked slowly to the table, stopping an arms length away, just in case. “Did you need something, master?”

An exaggerated sigh escapes Rath, “Now what do you think? We need another round of drinks. Go get them.”

Laila does not move and says, “I will get yours, not theirs.”

It was an old argument between them and Rath was tiring of it. “I said a round. For all of us. Now.”

“No. Just yours.”

As Laila turns to go into the tavern Rath slams his fist down on the table. “You will do as you are told or you will spend the night tied to your bed... again...”

Laila had not seen Ramji, standing in the shadows, listening to the exchange. He ties her? She is lucky he doesnt kill her for not complying with his every request...

She hears Rath rise from his chair and she tries to move out of his way, knowing that he is either going to drag her to the tavern himself or beat her in front of all these people. Rath moves with lightning speed and grabs her by her upper arm. “Your insolence will get you nothing but a beating. I dont know why you cant just cooperate...”

Instead of hitting or dragging, he gives her a shove. But with his strength, he sends her sprawling. Laila braces herself, expecting to hit the concrete and is surprised when she finds herself caught and supported by two strong arms.

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