Sunday, March 20, 2011

"Do you always treat your servants so carelessly? One would expect more from someone with breeding."

Setting Laila on her feet, Ramji nods to her. "His drink, as your Master requested."

Patti frowns as she looks at the drinks she has just brought, but heads in to make another round. Rath turns angry eyes on the stranger. "You have no right to interfere. She belongs to me."

Ramji slides back the hood of his cloak. His tattoos seem to glow in the night. Rath's eyes narrow. "Demon Hunter."

Ramji inclines his head. "Once."

A slow smile crawls across his lips, emphasizing the dangerous blankness of his eyes. "Now..." His words are slow, "Play with your... toys. But do not disrespect the mark of your status. You lower yourself with such abuses."

He watches as Laila returns, followed by one of the Shifter waitresses. She sets Rath's drink before him, then moves aside so the waitress can serve the girls. He glares at Ramji.

"I will remember you. No one interferes between me and mine."

Ramji bows, eyes never leaving the vampire. "I certainly hope so. Treat her better."

The chill never leaves his eyes as he steps past him into the shadows.

His soft words are breathed for the vampire's ears only.

"Nemojte me ubiti."

*Don't make me kill you.

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