Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tomas gone from his shoulders, Guunnar leans against a wall next to Dmitri and Ramji. He takes a long drink from the mug in his pawlike hand.

"I say ve send her uska."

Dmitri laughs "You mean ouzo." He glances at Ramji. "I don't think so, Guunnar. This one has a tongue that could get her in trouble with her master."

Ramji says nothing, watching the girls talk. One of the shifter girls from the Twisted Tit walks by with an empty tray and the Rider stops her. He talks to her quietly and she nods. Dmitri raises a brow when he hears. "Oh yeah. Monty can make this." She grins. "It's good. He's been experimenting with new cuisines since you guys started hanging around."

Ramji slides a little extra money into the girl's hand and asks her something. She grins and nods. "Sure Rams. Not a problem."

Guunnar swallows a little more and asks. "Vat chu up to little brother?" His words are slightly slurred. "Dis sit sooooo gut."

Dmitri nods at Ramji. "Guunnar is getting drunk."

"Nicht drunk. Beskænket... tipsy, yes... So. Vat chu, du, up to Ramji, und ven do serving venches call du Rams? Ist vat makes dem skveal? Ven du rams home?" He snickers and winks very slowly.

"You're not tipsy Guunnar. You are drunk. Don't answer him Ramji. But I am curious as well."

Ramji merely smiles, and soon the girl is back, setting up a small wooden table within easy reach of Star and Laila. She is followed by Monty who sets a platter of crudites, stuffed grape leaves, fresh bread slices, and a small bowl of white dip on the table, along with a pitcher of pomegranate citrus punch, two cups and small plates.

At the surprised look, Monty nods to the wall where the three Riders lounge. He talks softly to the girls and Star laughs as Laila puts a tentative hand on her belly. She nods and Monty bows and walks over to the men. He is hiding a grin.

"Well?" Ramji uncrosses his arms, waiting for Monty to speak.

"Star thanks her Brother Guunnar's brother for watching after the health of herself and her unborn child and asked Laila to share, as you had sent far too much food for just her. Of course this was only after she made sure exactly what I stuffed the grapeleaves with and what exactly the dip was."

Dmitri and Guunnar avoid staring at Ramji, as if they knew exactly what he had done. Although they acted fine, there was a bite to Dmitri's tone. "What did you tell them?"

"I didn't have to explain tzatziki, Laila did. It appears to be one of her favorite foods. Both are pleased I substituted garbonzo beans for lamb in the leaves' filling. And before you ask Guunnar, the juice is fresh and there are grapes and melon on the tray as well. Star will eat well."

He grins at Guunnar, glancing over his shoulder and laughing as he moves away. Star has turned around and waves as Guunnar sees her. He bows, almost falling and Star laughs. Dmitri and Guunnar bow as well, but much less clumsily. The girls begin to pick food from the platter and Ramji glances away as Laila looks directly at him.

He blushes as Guunnar's usual booming voice seems even louder to his ears.

"I tink she ist tryink to figure out if du likes her or nicht. I tink du..."

His words break off as he blinks, moments later the giant Viking is slipping down the wall.

"I tink I sit now."

The Riders catch him and help him settle on the grass. The two laugh as Guunnar sets his mug on the grass next to him. "I tink.. Du not trink my beeeir...." Guunnar's head falls forwrd and Dmitri laughs.

Ramji grins."Chust tipsy, he says."

Keon rises from the family table and grins at Lady Winter, sitting to his right.

"This is the first time I have seen the mighty Guunnar drink himself under the table. So, to Grace McClellan Harrison... May her achievements in life inspire others to surpass themselves." He raises his glass in Guunnar's direction, and laughter erupts.

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