Sunday, March 20, 2011

Laila stands to one side as Ramji whispers to Rath on his way past. She looks up and sees the angry look on Rath's face and quickly lowers her gaze. Her thoughts are in turmoil, no one has ever spoken against Rath and the way he treats her. Laila closes her eyes as she remembers the feel of Ramji's arms helping her regain her balance. It was a fleeting touch, no more, but no man had touched her for so long, and then only her father and brothers when they said goodbye to her.

Raths angry words break into her reverie. “GO! Get out of my sight. You are more than worthless, I should send you back to the hovel you came from....”

Laila didnt think twice. She turned and hurried away before he could change his mind. Not that it was likely since he was otherwise occupied but moments of freedom were few and far between. She wandered silently through the crowd, waving to the few people she recognized, the man from the bakery and a couple of the vendors from the open market. They smiled and waved in return, the few that had spoken to her liked the vampires girl, and wondered why she stayed with him, not understanding her situation. Laila hated that those people probably thought they were lovers. I would take a knife to my throat before he ever touches me in that way...

She pauses as something in the music grabs her attention. She closes her eyes as a few strains of a fiddle remind her of home for some reason. But then the music abruptly changes and the fleeting memory is gone. She winds her way through the crowd that has gathered and stops as she sees the dancers. She smiles at Star as she sees her whirl past with a baby in her arms.

Tara is watching the crowd safe in her mothers arms. When she sees the pretty girl that tante Star was talking to earlier. She sends pictures to her mother trying to get her attention. Alise is enthralled with the dancing and watching Stoney play. Their thoughts are private, promises made for later that night and they are blocking everyone elses thoughts. Tara frustrated at her attempts to get Alises attention suddenly leans back and says 'Maman” in a clear voice. Alise startled out of her shared fantasy looks at Tara.

“What did you just say?”

Maman...” Tara grins, happy that she at last has the attention of her mother.

Stoney...Tara just called me maman...and she is looking pleased as can be with herself...

As Alise gives Tara a hug, she sees in her mind the vampires girl and looks at her little girl. “Do you see the pretty girl?”

Alise follows Taras gaze and there at the edge of the crowd stands Laila watching the dancers, a wistful expression on her face. A strong breeze comes up, blowing the cloak back, revealing the mass of curls dancing in the air and a small but shapely body, outlined in a shabby sundress decorated with swirls of bright embroidery. The sleeveless dress also reveals the scrapes on her wrists and bruises up her arms.

Alise sighs, The poor girl...maybe we should speak to Silk, I wonder if she would have any ideas...

Following Taras gaze again Alise sees Ramji, standing half in shadow, and for a moment the expression on his face is unguarded. Tenderness, desire, then anger as the breeze reveals the girls arms and shabby clothes.

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