Saturday, October 17, 2015

As Alises eyes scan the clearing for any sign of the children she feels a gentle tug in her mind, her daughter Tara...

Its a game maman... we're just playing....

Where are you hiding my little one?

Not tellin'... Wish told us not to tell....

Star smiles at her friend, aware that she is 'speaking' to one of the kids. “It is good lesson disguised as play. One day they may need to know how to hide in plain sight...”

“It is amazing.. I cannot see any of them... and they cant be far away if Wish is right here...” Alise squints, trying hard to even catch a glimpse of one of the children.

Stoney pulls Alise close. “We are blessed to have people in our lives that can teach our children these things. Star is right, this 'play' may one day save their lives...”

A vague outline of a flowing skirt catches Alise's eye, leaves seem to be almost blowing through it, but not quite.. and there! She sees a faint outline of a little boy, his form blending in with the designs and patterns in the fabric.

“I think I can see Ru...” Alise says as she looks to Star, who hides a knowing smile as she lowers her head to kiss Nadia...

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