Monday, April 25, 2011

Okay, I've been around, I admit it. I've been in bawdyhouses and whorehouses and houses of ill repute and houses of prostitution and every other term they've used for the place you pay to play. I've had cause to visit the sisters of joy now and again, from Colonial times on up till today, usually receiving a good bang for my buck. But this place is like nothing I've ever seen. I was expecting something on the order of the Playboy Club, with scantily-clad women circulating through the room, maybe some tasteful nudes adorning the walls… but there's nothing to show that this isn't a good-quality supper club and nothing more.

Nick was damned mysterious when he sent us here. Nothing about what to do once we arrived, except to wait for a "delivery". So what's going to be delivered? A loaf of bread, a jug of wine and thou?

Damned inscrutable vampire….

I excuse myself to find the men's room and wander into what is apparently - you should pardon the expression - the showroom. There's a bar along one wall, and seated at the bar, and circulating throughout the room, are about two dozen of the most delectable visions I've ever clapped eyes on. Not that they look like professionals, not at all; there's no tacky lingerie in sight, nor so much as a miniskirt. These specimens of genus demimonde are coiffed, bejewelled and begowned to within an inch of their lives, in classic styles that wouldn't look out of place on the runway. I wander around in a happy haze wearing a big goofy smile until I find my progress arrested by something black. I focus. The object is about six feet tall, with shoulder-length black hair, mustache and beard. The object smiles, revealing very white teeth, and then the object speaks.

"Lost, sir?"

"You have no idea," I mutter.

"Excuse me?"

"Never mind. Which way to the men's room?"

My new friend smiles some more and leads me back to where I started from, stopping outside a door discreetly marked "Men". "I look up and meet cool blue eyes. "I think I can take it from here."

Another smile. "Very good, sir. Enjoy yourself."


I satisfy the call of nature and return to the table I share with Rowan.

"What was that all about?"

I shake my head. "I think I went out of bounds…."

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