Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ob gets Stoney's message just as he is opening the door for Pandora. He lets her hear and respond.

No worries, Stoney. Tell Alise we are on our way.

There is a silence. Finally, Stoney responds. Pandora? Mon Dieu! Welcome to the family! He tells the family they are on their way.

Ob adjusts his tunic, smiling at the image they make. The blues of his tunic and sourelles compliment the soft jewel tones of Bruha's wrap and Chloe's druma. He is happy with the small braids he put in the sides of her hair. They exposed her earrings, as his loose braid did his.

He looks inward, opening his mind to Pandora. "Mi mama would be proud. Her Little Josi has become a Romanavich family man. She would love you, and adore Chloe."

He adjusts the druma so it lays just right, supporting Chloe so Pandora can have her hands free. He smiles, seeing the surprise in Stoney's mind as they make their entrance in traditional Clan clothing.

Tori slips in as they begin to sit down. She looks Ob over and grins.


Ike comes out of the kitchen, wiping her hands. After swinging by Monty and getting a kiss, she head to the family table. She looks at Ob's ears, then Pandora's. Stoney and Tori burst out laughing at her expression.

"Damn Ob, you really did it. You weren't just yanking my chain." She sits slowly, shaking her head.

Ob grins. "In the Romanavich tradition, yes, Bruha is now a Romanavich bride."

Traeger stops in the act of sitting down. He looks at Pandora, noting the smile on her face and the pride in Ob's eyes. He drops into his seat and laughs.

"Finally. That explains why you didn't give her the jewelry at Yule."

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