Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My daughter was playing in my lap... leaning against me and shaking her rattle; she never ceased to delight in its tinkling bells. I watched Ob with his siblings; Chloe begins to whimper... then she is crying... I pick her up and hold her close, but she still sobs... Stoney leaves the room, running for the stairs.

Just minutes later Monty comes to the table; his look is grim. "Eric just got a call from Raina; the birth was fine, but apparently Morgan has been hiding at the boathouse... she struck Cassie with a knife while Keon was calling Gunnar with the news of the baby's birth... she protected the child and was mortally wounded; she's dead."

Tears come unbidden, and I understand my daughter's upset... I don't know yet by what path she knew... but I am sure it has something to do with Tara. Ob told us of her uncontrollable sobbing, the message Stoney sent them.

"Obsidian; can we reach Rowan?... Alise and I are both nursing, the babe can get nourishment from us; at least until Keon has a chance to grieve; to figure out what he will do."

I stroke my daughters hair... wondering what my last thought would be if i were to die... knowing it would be overflowing love for my babe and husband, and grief at leaving them....

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