Thursday, February 24, 2011

Inari wearily stumbles back to camp. The fighting had been fierce and her body ached. She had several cuts, although she didnt think any of them serious. The camp is quiet, though not deserted. There are a couple men in the medical tent, a healer treating their injuries. He hails Inari as she limps past.

“Can I help you Milady?”

Shaking her head Inari responds, “No, its nothing. Return to the men, I'll be fine.”

Stopping at her tent Inari grabs a towel and heads for the stream. There is a pool she knows of, if she can hike up the hill far enough to get to it.

Inari makes her way up the hill, as Torin and some of his men return to camp. Torin had seen Inari leave when the enemy had retreated. Her leg had been slashed and was bleeding. Torin was sure that he would find her in the medical tent. When he inquires of the healer, the man shakes his head and points in the direction of the stream. She must have decided to try and take care of it herself... Torin heads off in the direction the healer had pointed..

Finally finding the pond Inari sits a large flat rock to catch her breath. The night is clear, a full moon shining on the water. On the other side of the pond a small waterfall rushes into the pond, the sound comforting and relaxing. Inari stands and strips off her leather pants, revealing a long gash from ankle to knee. She sits again and splashes water on the injured leg. She smiles, thinking how upset her mother would be to see the scars that mar her daughters fair skin. And it looks like there will be at least one more... She stands and takes off the rest of her clothes, tossing them in a pile on the grass. Noticing that the leather ties that hold her braid secure have gone missing she starts to unbraid her hair, thinking she should wash it anyway. Her fingers work through the thick braid until her hair tumbles down her back and almost to her knees.

Torin stops dead in his tracks, not even sure at first that the naked creature standing on the rock ready to dive in the pond is really Inari. He has never seen her undressed or with her hair down. He watches as she dives in, coming up for air on the other side, near the waterfall. As she stands, her full breasts are visible, the pink tips erect and inviting. Torin swallows hard, unsure of what to do. He involuntarily takes a step forward, breaking a twig. The sound is loud in the quiet of the forest and Inari turns, covering her chest with her arms, “Who is there?”

Torin hesitates only a few seconds and starts throwing his clothes off. It wasnt uncommon for male and female warriors to dress, bathe, eat and sleep together. Usually it was not a big deal and no one thought anything of it. Out of respect for her and her position the men had given Inari her privacy.

Naked, Torin stops at the edge of the water, taking in the sight before him. Inari had turned her back to him, but had made no move to get out of the water. The moon was bright and reflected in the water. Inaris hair spread out around her like a cape.

Torin climbed the rock and dove in the water, coming up for air only feet behind Inari. He shook the water from his face, his long dark hair dancing.

Inari turns slightly, “I can go...”

Taking a deep breath Torin whispers, “I dont want you to go...” and he reaches for her, pushing a long wet lock off her shoulder.

Inari turns and looks him in the face. Her brown eyes are so dark, Fear, desire, what is she thinking? Torin wonders.. then he sees the brand on her chest, her arms crossed over her breasts leaving the brand open to his gaze, the scars gleaming white in the moonlight. So the stories about that are true. Is it also true no one has ever seen it? Why is she letting me...

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