Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pandora feels relaxed; the babes amused... and Silk being a wonderful hostess for Mortuis. She feels Stoney's frustration at being left behind... but knows as well he is here to protect them; working in his shop may produce an artistic masterpiece.

At Silk's comment she looks intently at Alise's belly; it truly seems to have grown at a faster rate then their last pregnancies. Being a person of magic she understands that this can be a blessing... Sarah is someone special... and her arrival brings someone with a special intent into Stoney and Alise's lives... you just wait to see what the gods gift to you.

"Sarah is going to be special in their lives; and is in a hurry to enter it." Pandora says, She turns back to watching the babes on the floor, and Chloe playing in delight with Silk's moving fingers.

Star is talking to Mera... perhaps it is a lullaby she sings softly to her; but they seem in a world of their own... Keon was right to leave the child with her, her eyes coloration all soft tones that bespeak love.

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