Thursday, February 3, 2011

As Stoney and Alise enter the tavern, Raina and Gareth come up behind them. The tavern is quiet, only a few regulars hanging around and no band, so the jukebox is playing quietly in the background.

Alise hugs Raina and hands Tara to her. “What have you been doing? Where is Nick?”

Raina starts to explain about the house and that Nick wants them to have a place of their own.

“Thats wonderful. Have you found anything that you like?”

Raina nods, “Yes. But it needs some work and Nick hasnt seen it yet. And he didnt really tell me how much he wanted to spend...” Raina tries to get her hair out of Taras fist who was gurgling happily and tugging pretty hard.

Alise takes Taras little hand and helps Raina free herself. Stoney moves a couple of tables to the back where the family usually sits and adds a few extra chairs.

“Please join us for supper. You are my family too, as is Nicholas.” Alise lifts Tomas out of his baby seat.

Raina smiles, “Sounds like fun to get everyone together. I will have to go upstairs and tell Nick, he is probably still 'sleeping...'”

Gareth, listening to the exchange figures they cant possibly mean to include him. He isnt family and not as close to these people as Raina is, so he starts to back up, thinking to go to the bar.

Alise notices his hesitation and quickly grabs his hand. “You too. You must stay and join us..”

Gareth shakes his head, “But I am not...”

“I dont care. You are Rainas friend and that is good enough for the rest of us. Raina, give Tara to Gareth and go get Nicholas.”

Raina grins and tries to hand Tara to him. Gareth is frozen with terror at the thought of holding such a tiny creature. “Gareth, she doesnt bite. Hold your arms like this...”

As Raina places Tara in his arms he starts to mumble, “Raina I cant...she is so if I drop her?”

“You wont, and I'll be right back.” Raina heads upstairs to tell Nick about supper.

Alise opens her mind to her daughter, trying to tell her that Gareth feels out of place, but Aunt Raina cares about him, so we must welcome him..

Tara smiles and coos at Gareth, making him chuckle. He and Alise take seats at the table, visiting about the houses Raina liked and the ones she didnt.

As Raina and Nick come down the stairs, Nick starts to laugh. “Is there anyone Alise cant make feel at home? Gareth is even smiling at her....”

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