Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The water slides sensually over their bodies as Eite and Keon glide through the depths of the lake. They follow the Murdhuachan to what he called Wilder Waters with the hopes of good fishing. Eite was determined to bring something unusual to the gathering at Star and Erik's. She also had something special she wanted to make for Star. She had spoken quietly with the mers the night before. When they had come to the waters just a little earlier, a net of red and black plants were tied to one of the posts. Eite's membranes had flickered quickly, forcing away the tears that had gathered. She had just lowered the bag back into the water when the Murdhuachan rose from the water. The spears they carry are long handled and barbed. Lengths of strong sea vines attatch the spear head to a belt around the waist. The Murdhuacan had shown them how to twist and pull to release the handle once the barb was imbedded in their prey. The handle then becomes a second weapon.

Keon smiles at the thought of this being more of a hunt than mere fishing. Keon blesses the spelled breathing pearl tucked in his cheek. Without it, he could never have joined this hunt. Eite swims easily ahead. The webs between her fingers and toes, which embarass her among landwalkers, prove to be her advantage. Her digits seem to have spread, letting the webs become more finlike in the water. The pale blue of her skin has become more pronounced, iridescent tones sparkle along her muscles as she moves with a liquid grace. Keon grins at the thought. The woman was as lethal in water as she was on land.

She pauses and beckons him closer, pointing at something just up ahead. This close, he can see the small gills behind her ears and along the very top of her neck. They pulse softly and she grins, pointing again. He tears his eyes off her to watch a large bulk drift slowly by overhead. The Murdhuachan hefts his spear and leads them into a patch of seaweed forest. The trio waits, watching as the large image circles over their hiding place. Suddenly it dives, twisting nearly upon itself to avoid being hit by several smaller figures. The creature skims over the seaweed, revealing its underbelly to the three hidden in the foliage.  The Murdhuachan gestures, kicks up, darting up to the smooth flesh. The spear head bites deep and he is away, holding hard to the vine and his now barbless stake. Eite darts before the fish and it snaps at her, twisting to try and catch her as she disappears over its head. She strikes, driving the barbed tip into an eye and the fish thrashes, shaking her wildly. She manages to plant her feet on the creatures head and twist the spear free, Somehow she is free and swimming fast. Passing the creatures fin, she grabs it and loops her vine around it, effectively tying the head bent upwards.

Drawing his dagger, Keon swims warily under the exposed belly. The Murdhuachan is grinning, clinging to the creature like a parasite, he points, showing Keon where to strike. The Dark Lord strikes fast as Eite keeps the creatures attention. The fish begins to thrash, blood spreading from the great wound in its underbelly. The Seaman finally drops from the fish and winds his vines around the now still fin. He motions for Keon to do the same on the other side. Eite cuts her vine from the imbedded head and loops it over the back fin, fastening it to her belt to help pull. The trio work quickly, knowing the blood will draw predators. In short time, they are safely on the beach of an underwater cave, pulling their catch up to be prepped for the swim back. it is only then that Keon sees what they have taken down. He looks at their compannion.

"Where are we?" The creature grins, baring sharp pointed teeth similar to those in the now dead shark's mouth. "These are Irish waters. We came by a Shadow Path, much like what you use on land. The Selkies knew we were coming. Drove this one to us. It has been making their home waters unsafe for several years now." He grins harder. "Not anymore."

Keon nods, wondering how they were going to get the shark back without having to fight off more. Eite stops from running her hand over the shark's fins. "Ireland? Dulaman?"

A soft voice answers her from further back in the cave. "Aye, Dulaman grows in abundance nay far from here." The woman steps from a slash in the cave wall and lays a sealskin on a snoe ledge. her nude body shimmers nearly as much as Eite's. her voice lilts musically. "Ye have done us a great favor, Hunters. With this blue gone, we'll agin reach the kelp farms. Twill make life a bit easier for our breeding pairs." She walks around the large blue, lips pursed in thought. "A trade I'll make ye. Ye'll e'en come out ahead."

At the raised brows, she laughs. "I am Selkie, nay Sidhe. Besides..." She grins. "Ye have a Siren w'ye. Her song alone... nay, what I offer is cured shark skin to wrap yer meat in and a net of dulaman, fresh picked,  if I can ha' the fins and head." When they agree, she barks sharply and three younger selkies slip from the tunnel. They bring the skins and begin to help butcher the shark, leaving the sides in long fillets. Each packet is carefully wrapped and sealed, then dropped into a net in a pool of water deeper in the cave. "The clean water will keep blood from scenting the outer skins. Ye won't leave through this entrance, so ye'll not drag the blood scent w' ye either."

A young boy with soft brown curls falling in his large brown eyes peaks from the cave. He yips and moves back into the shadows. The Selkie laughs. "Me son is a bit afraid of ye. A Sea Warrior, a Land Warrior, and a Singer come ta save us from the blue. What a tale I will have to tell... but come, I ken yer time is short, so I'll show ye the quickest Shadow path ta catch." Entering the tunnel, she hefts a net of dark green, yellow, and black. handing it to Eite, she turns and pads along a well lit, sand strewn path. They stop before a Gate crossing both a water path and a land path. her companions hand over two sacks of wrapped meat. The woman rubs a finger along her chin, thinking. "Twere I ye, I'd take the water path. Gerri knows the way and can lead ye back to where ye started from easily enow." She kisses the Murdhachan's cheek "Again, Ye've done us a great service Gerri, bringing these Hunters to save our kelp beds. Luck be w' ye." She motions her people back, letting the trio close to the water.

Keon raises a brow. "Gerri?" The Murdhuachan gives him a toothy grin and nods. "That's what they call me." Tying one of the sacks of shark meat to his belt, the Murdhuachan waits while Keon and Eite hook the rest of the meat and seaweed to theirs. When the are ready he waves farewell and dives deep, the Sidhe Lord and Siren close behind. The swim back is uneventful. Eite and Keon are sharply aware of the fact they no longer carry the spears with which they started out. Soon Gerri angles upwards, heading for the sunlit upper waters. Breaking the surface, they find themselves in the lake at the houseboat.


Half an hour later finds Keon loading packets of meat into a cooler as Eite puts the finishing touches to the salad she is making. He calls to her and she brings out the covered bowl, along with a jar of dressing. She hand him a net of seaweed to add to the cooler. When he raises a brow inquiringly, she shakes her head. "To wrap the shark meat in before you put it on the coals." When Keon shrugs, she sighs. "I'll tell you on the way."

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