Later that night, Alise stretches in her husbands arms. Stoney was curled around her, one of his large hands resting on her naked belly. He lets his hand slip a little lower, stroking tenderly he quietly asks.. “Do you want a little one?”
Alise's eyes fill with tears. She should have known better than to try and hide anything from her husband.
Stoney moves his hand to wipe her tears. “Allie... if you want a baby, its fine....”
All Alise could do was shake her head. When she had control of her voice she said. “But it is not fine. Tori says there are still ghouls about and now this... that evil woman...”
“Allie... my love, my heart.... I will take care of you and our family, no one will harm you or the children. Over my dead body will anyone get close to you again...”
“Its not you, I know you would do anything for us... its me. I let that ghoul in here. I should have been more careful. Tomas could have been killed before we even knew it. I could not bear it... if anything happened to the children... or to you... because of my stupidity...”
"Un, mon amour, YOU did not LET the ghoul in. He snuck in. Deux, Gargoyle children are very tough. Even halfbreeds. His body would have turned to stone to heal him before he would have died, and we would have been able to touch his mind easily to help him with the "sleep". Trois, that... woman... does not know anything about us. Or our friends.
Stoney pulls her close. *“Chaton, je suis, mais un homme, une gargouille. Mais si vous avez demandé pour le monde, je voudrais trouver un moyen de le mettre à vos pieds, enveloppé dans un arc d'or. Tout ce que j'ai est à toi. Notre amour a survécu, jusqu'à la vie après la mort. Si nous pouvons surmonter cet obstacle. Imaginez ce que nous pouvons accomplir ensemble ... Vous, nos enfants, et tout ce qui vient, c'est l'aventure de ma vie.”
Watching his eyes, Alise runs a hand through the long hair hanging down and moves it away from his face. She can feel the love and truth in his words. She nods slowly and his lips capture hers, and soon all coherent thought is impossible...
*Chaton, I am but one man, one gargoyle. But if you asked for the world, I would find a way to lay it at your feet, wrapped in a golden bow. All that I have is yours. Our love survived, even unto the afterlife. If we can surmount that obstacle, just imagine what we can accomplish together... You, our children, and whatever comes, that is the adventure of my life.
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