Saturday, September 10, 2011

Keeping Ambassador Inari's strictures in mind, I make shift to expunge all signs of carnage from the battlefield while milady Silk conducts our warriors the nearest route back to the mortal world - and Exton. My cleansing agent - a mystical fire that destroys flesh, bone and blood utterly, while leaving other living matter untouched - makes quick work of the bodies. The gnomes pack weaponry, armor, bits and pieces of clothing and other incidentals in a cart for transport back to the Manse, where I will gauge the usefulness of each. That which is still useable will be distributed to the tavernfolk to use as they will; the remainder will be smelted down into raw ingots to be used for whatever purpose I deem needful at any given time.

I sigh as I weave a spell that will assist the Realm's own energies to restore all things as they were before the battle. The churned-up ground will be once more verdant with grass and flowers, the waters which have been fouled will be purified and the stenches of blood and death will pass away. Would that I could so easily restore those who have been hurt this day, and most especially he who selflessly gave his life to protect those he barely knew. If my word has any influence with the Queen, I will add my voice to the Ambassador's to petition for a resting place for him in the Grove of Tears.

When my work is done, I pass through the portal and allow it to close behind me. I am weary, but there is much yet to be done before I may seek my rest. I note in passing that Lady Alise has the domestic arrangements well in hand, insuring that the returning warriors are afforded a chance to shower and change into clean clothes before they sit down to dine. Rowan is managing - seemingly without undue effort - a task that would break many a stronger woman - on-the-spot triage, followed by whatever immediate arrangements are needed to minister to the most sorely wounded. The remainder are remanded to the makeshift infirmary, there to be tended by a small army of elementals until the presiding physician can look in on them personally. In truth, there seems little for me to do, given the efforts of these two good women, and I take time to perform some rudimentary ablutions before indulging myself in a quick but satisfying meal.

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