Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ob stands at the end of Gareth's speech. He kisses the top of Chloe's head and sets his hand on Pandora's shoulder. There is anger in her eyes, but Ob squeezes her shoulder just a little. I know you want to mi Bruha, but you are mamacita, and more important to Chloe's well-being than I am.

"I am going."

Stoney looks up at him and Ob slams his shields closed, hard. "No Bro. You have a baby on the way. I expect you to protect Pan and Alise and *nuestros hijos."

Stoney nods, as the sisters join them. He reaches out and lays his hand over Ob's. "^Corps et âme, bro. By stone and talon. NO one will harm what is ours."

Ike leaves the room as Ob speaks and returns with the sheath for Allah's Light.

Miko whistles loudly, catching her attention. She picks the demifae up, settling him on the table where the family sits. He stands, fanning his wings slowly to aid his balance.

"Lord Gareth! Amigo! I go too! Morgan owes our People as well. Many are gone because of her. Weebit's clan was used to test her vile poison. I stand as proxy for all the demifae she destroyed. Besides, I woe her for myself as well." He turns to Pandora.

"Maestra? Got another of those hat pins? I'm gonna give her a piercing." He grins maliciously.

* our children

^Body and soul

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