Sunday, March 11, 2012

Pandora awoke to find that Ob had gone to stone  beside the bed. She stretched and winced at the pains she felt,although her cuts were healed; it was her muscles that reminded her of the night before... Ob touched her mind... another contrite... "Mujer..I am sorry"... Pandora sends a wave of loving thoughts; stroking the rough stone of his gargoyle face. She gets up and slips a robe on; calling down to Monty to send up hot coffee and whatever fresh thing has been baked. It seems only moments before he knocks on the door.

"Morning Pan,"... Monty sets a tray with a coffee carafe and a warm cinnamon roll on the small table by the door to the terrace.  Monty glances over and sees that Ob went to stone in the room, he and Ike felt last night's vibes just like the rest of the gargoyle clan, he knows the wild sensual night that transpired... and the rage and demonic possession that Ob fought.

Pandora's movements betrayed her involvement in what was obviously more than lovemaking, and he felt Ob's sense of guilt at hurting the one he loved.

"The nanny took the children downstairs to have breakfast and play; so you could sleep in; take your time with your breakfast... we got it covered." Pandora looked at him with a grateful expression ... "Thanks Monty, I'll be down soon".

She could hear the laughter of Chloe and the squeals of Teri as he raced after her in his walker.

Before Pandora went to sit, she approached Ob's figure and slipped her arms around the rigid stone... "I'm okay Josephito... Allah's Light took away most of the pain"... I know it was not your intention to hurt me so." She feels the wave of love wash over her; and kissing the dragon's snarling countenance... she goes to pour coffee, taking it out to sit in the sunlight of a brand new day; hoping all is going well for the party of travelers now heading home.

Pandora wonders what will be decided when Keon and the others hear of the Drow witch's plans.

She shuts the thoughts from her mind now; she realizes she must use care... the children pick up far more of their thoughts than they first realized

She lingers near her favorite rose... it is a beautiful pink that goes from blush in the center to vivid pink on its petal edges... it is winter; and the bare branches do not hint at the beauty it will reveal come spring.

It is colder than she realized, she turns and goes back inside to eat Monty's cinnamon creation and dress to face the day ahead.

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