Friday, December 24, 2010

Traeger was pondering after Stoney finished their conversation... there had to be a way to fix a ring so that it might adjust to Stoney's changing size, he considered a spell... and thought that might be part of it, but more was needed...he would talk to Ob. He was considering the idea of getting some stone dust from Stoney when he was in his gargoyle shape,and mixing it into the silver mixture when he poured the ring into the mold... Thus it would expand as Stoney did... it just might work. Perhaps he would let Rowan file some stone shavings from him while he was at rest and Alise was resting... then she would never know. Traeger definately wanted to discuss this with Ob, and perhaps being a witch Rowan would have some insights for him... hmmm, he wouldn't mind having a chance to talk with her one on one....

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